I’m new to rowing, where do I begin?
KCRC is excited to offer adult learn to row sessions throughout the year. You’ll learn both sculling and sweep rowing, practice on the rowing machines, learn the rowing terminology, and join a welcoming community in your area. Find more information on the Learn to Row page.
What should I wear and bring to practice?
There are many moving parts to rowing equipment in which fabric can get caught. Wearing a form-fitting leggings/shorts and close-fitting tech shirt/layers is recommended. High visibility clothing is always a good idea for safety. Also come prepared with your water bottle and workout-appropriate footwear. Depending on the time of year, you may also bring a hat, sunscreen, sunglasses, and warm layers.
Can I join more than one program?
Yes, experienced rowers can join multiple teams! We have plenty of members that row on our W/F morning team, as well as the Sunday team.
Who can I send my questions or feedback to?
For general club questions and coach feedback, email us at Your team coach will also provide you with the best way to communicate with them, and they’re the best choice for your practice or team-related questions.
Will I get a chance to race?
Yes! We participate in local regattas in the spring, summer, and fall. Boatings are done based on racing interest and there is an additional cost. In 2022 and 2023 we raced at Lake Stevens Spring Sprints, Green Lake Summer Extravaganza, Otter Island in Everett, and Tail of the Lake in Seattle.
How much do regattas cost?
Total cost of each race is split among participants and includes the race fee for your boat(s), coaching fees for any additional practices and regatta time. Additionally, boat/equipment rental fees would also be split among crews.
Rowing Costs
Do you offer any financial assistance?
The Kenmore Community Rowing Club is dedicated to making the sport of rowing accessible to all in the Northshore region. For fee reduction information, refer to the Financial aid page.
What do my dues cover?
Your quarterly or annual KCRC membership helps us cover business overhead and operations. Team fees are specific to practice-related costs such as gas, coaching payroll, admin time, and equipment upkeep. Dues do not cover: USRowing Membership (required), regatta fees, or gear/uniforms.
Rowing Terminology
What is “sweep” rowing?
In a sweep boat, each rower has one oar (either port or starboard), held with both hands. Sweep boats include crew of 2, 4, or 8. Sweep crews are either designated as (+ including coxswain ) or (- without a coxswain), for example: 4- is a sweep crew with no cox, an 8+ is a sweep crew with a cox (9 people total)
What is “sculling”?
In a scull boat, each rower has two oars (sculls), one in each hand. Sculling boats include crews of 1, 2, or 4. Sculling is designated with (x) (picture crossed oars). Like the above sweep crews, a coxed sculling crew would be designated with (+). For example: 4x+ is a four person sculling boat with a coxswain (5 people total), whereas a 2x does not have a coxswain.
What is a “novice” rower?
Generally, a novice is a rower or coxswain participating in their first year of rowing. At some regattas, there are events specifically for novice participants.