Drew Butler
Drew has been coaching at KCRC since 2022. He rows with the Lake Washington Rowing Club and also rowed at the University of Washington (Class of 2022). He enjoys long bikes on the Burke-Gilman and eating plants.

Julian Eames
Julian started rowing at 12 in a club Junior program in his native England. He raced in age group events and won a National Championship Medal, representing the Southwest Region. He returned to rowing 7 years ago upon retirement from Corporate life, climbing the status levels to Elite through wins at numerous regattas. Julian continues to compete with his old club, winning two “pots” and losing in the final at Henley Masters. He has coached at Kenmore for 5 years and has taken the US Rowing Level 2 exams. Julian believes that “once the sport of rowing gets in your blood you are hooked for life. There is nothing like the feeling of a boat running well on a calm piece of water, it is almost spiritual.” He also loves the atmosphere at regattas and the thrill of racing.

Pam Marshall
Pam began rowing with Sammamish as a Master in 2003 after she got bored with the lines at the bottom of the swimming pool, and after she saw how much fun her daughter was having rowing for SRA. She won a National Gold medal in 2006 in a lightweight women’s 4+. She continued to compete and cox for SRA, spending as much time as possible in a single scull.
Pam earned her Level 2 coaching certification, and has coached both juniors and masters at Sammamish, Lake Stevens and was one of the founding members and the original coach at KCRC. After a long break over Covid, she started rowing again at Sammamish and has come back to coaching at KCRC.

Laura Pasquini
Laura Pasquini is a USRowing Level 2 Coach who supports the Learn to Row and ErgFit programs at Kenmore Community Rowing Club (KCRC). Her rowing career started as a member of Niagara University’s inaugural Club Rowing Team (2004-2005) and improved with the West Side Summer Team (2004-2005). After a 16-year hiatus from the sport, Laura returned to row with the KCRC Experienced team in the Summer of 2022. As a water sport enthusiast and lifelong learner, Laura began coaching with KCRC to support individual growth, to develop our team, and to contribute to the community we paddle with on Lake Washington. When she’s not on the water with KCRC, you can find Laura outdoors hiking/camping, running miles with her dog, Jack, or at a local tap room with a pint.

Siobhan Quirke
Programming and Operations Manager & Coach
Siobhan is originally from Long Beach, CA. Her coaching experience stems from Long Beach Junior Crew where she coached for six years. She was recruited for the University of Central Oklahoma for the 2018-2021 seasons, where she rowed in the Varsity 8+ all four years. During her time in Oklahoma she was lucky enough to have been a part of three consecutive NCAA National Champion teams! Rowing and coaching have always been passions of hers, so she’s extremely excited to be able to continue to do both at the great program of KCRC this summer!

Evan Ritter
Coach & Admin Support

Adam Silberfein
Adam rowed sweep for a year in college and rediscovered his love for the sport during the pandemic, when he took up sculling. In the past few years he has rowed regularly at both KCRC and College Club, and has coached Learn-to-Row adults and experienced adults at KCRC. Most recently, he taught rowing to a local Scout troop during a weekend clinic. He is most passionate about introducing the sport to anyone who might have an interest and privately hopes to one day row a quad with his wife and two sons.